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Claremont High School Academy

What our students Say


Year 12

Studying: Design Technology, Business and IT

Former Leopold Primary School and Roe Green Junior School pupil

"Claremont Sixth Form is an amazing place to explore new passions thanks to the variety of extracurricular activities on offer. I have particularly enjoyed learning the Japanese language and culture. Not only will these opportunities enhance my CV and personal statement, but they are also a great way to reduce the stress that often comes with A Level study.

The careers team have been extremely supportive in guiding me down the right path based on my individual skills, interests and goals. I hope to study Architecture at university and know this dream will become a reality with the opportunities and support available to me here at Claremont Sixth Form.”


Year 12

Studying: Biology, Chemistry, French and Drama

Former Kenmore Park Junior School pupil

“Claremont is a school and sixth form with a rich and vibrant atmosphere, full of experiences to prepare you for the future. There are numerous trips to extend your learning and provide you with an insight into university life; my highlight was a trip to The University of Oxford. There are multiple enrichment activities to hone your existing skills and develop new ones; I have enjoyed badminton club and debate club as well as performing in school concerts. There are a range of leadership roles available, including peer mentoring to help younger students across the school and paired reading to support children in primary schools.

Then there is the support with our university decisions and applications. I have benefited from 1:1 meetings with our dedicated careers councillor, streams of emails about upcoming events to boost personal statements and workshops surrounding the UCAS process, to name but a few! All of this is helping me to achieve my goal of studying Dentistry at university.”


Year 12

Studying: Maths, Further Maths, Economics and French

Former St Robert Southwell’s RC Primary School pupil

“The experiences I have taken part in at Claremont Sixth Form, from peer mentoring and teaching French at a primary school to the co-curricular opportunities (such as badminton and debate club), have helped strengthen my personal statement, university application and CV, ensuring I stand out. The sixth form have also been incredibly supportive in highlighting useful talks and conferences to attend online as well as helping me to gain a week of work experience abroad. I aspire to attend a top university to read Mathematics. If I enjoy this, I will extend my learning with a Master’s Degree and purse a career in the field of Mathematics – perhaps finance.”


Year 12

Studying: Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Former Uxendon Manor Primary School pupil

“The highlight of my time at Claremont Sixth Form so far would be taking part in the SCAMP research programme as a SCAMP ambassador, investigating the impact of mobile phones and social media on young people’s health. The process was really engaging and gave me the opportunity to experience how large-scale studies can take place. I am interested in a career in either cardiology or paediatrics, and so plan to study Medicine at university.

Claremont Sixth Form provides us with a variety of resources and opportunities, including work experience, summer school programmes and enrichment sessions, to prepare us for our futures. For those of us wanting to apply to Oxbridge, Medicine or Dentistry, we receive extra support and guidance. Additionally, as a sixth form, there are other opportunities which we would not have had access to at a college. For example, the peer mentoring and paired reading scheme gives us the chance to undertake a training course in mentoring and to help younger students and pupils at primary school.

I would recommend Claremont Sixth Form because of the tailored support they provide, ensuring students reach their full potential and are prepared to follow whichever pathway suits their interests, skills and goals.”


Year 12

Studying: Psychology, Business and CTEC Health and Social Care

Former Byron Court Primary School and Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“Claremont High School Academy and Sixth Form provide the support and opportunities for students to develop as an individual, not just academically but socially and emotionally as well. Our teachers make lessons enjoyable and unforgettable! Outside of lessons, they are extremely approachable and helpful; they have encouraged me to apply for experiences, such as the Sutton Trust Programme and Future Leaders Programme, which have pushed me out of my comfort zone, developed my confidence as well as other key skills that will be valuable for the future. As a result, I have been exposed to a range of different career pathways of which Psychology and Radiography have interested me the most.

To boost our personal statements and UCAS applications, there are a range of co-curricular activities to take part in. I assisted with the school’s annual production of the Adams Family, mentoring younger students as well as working backstage for the show itself; I help run the Performing Arts club which has improved my leadership and creativity skills; and I take part in the Model UN club which has helped develop my debating skills as we come up with progressive ideas to combat global problems.”


Year 12

Studying: History, French and Economics

Former Uxendon Manor Primary School pupil

“I have many aspirations for my future. I want to attend one of the world’s best universities such as King’s College London, the University of Warwick or even MIT, Brown or NYU in America. I aim to study International Management and Development at both undergraduate and graduate degree level before working towards owning my own non-profit business in agriculture, infrastructure and logistics. It is my dream to be able to help underdeveloped countries and communities or areas in crisis; all to provide the aid they need to be safe, sustainable and full of opportunities, whether that be providing jobs, or sponsoring families and children to get into education.

Claremont Sixth Form is preparing me for this future through the range of opportunities they offer or encourage me to pursue outside of my studies. For example, I am taking part in the Future Leaders Programme which is shaping me into a community leader and helping grow my connections. They have even paid for some of us to complete work experience in France which will be particularly useful for me as I want to speak fluently in many languages to work comfortably and efficiently in different countries.

I am so grateful to have spent the last 6 years at Claremont High School. They really care for you as an individual and about your future. The facilities are amazing, and the co-curricular opportunities are vast, allowing students to pursue their interests and develop their skills. I wouldn’t swap or change my experience in the slightest.”


Year 12

Studying: Biology, Chemistry and Psychology

Former Mount Stewart Primary School pupil

“The teachers here are extremely knowledgeable and supportive, informing us students about the different career paths available and the steps and skills we need to enter them successfully. I hope to enter the field of Medicine and know Claremont Sixth Form will help me to achieve this goal through support from the dedicated careers advisor and the plethora of opportunities available such as the EPQ, extracurricular clubs and leadership opportunities.”


Year 12

Studying: Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“From trips to Tottenham Stadium’s university fair and the University of Oxford to the range of leaderships opportunities and extracurricular clubs available, I feel well prepared for life beyond Claremont Sixth Form. I am hoping to read Mathematics or Computer Science at university to be able to pursue a career in the computing field.”


Year 12

Studying: Economics, Business and Maths

Former Wykeham Primary School pupil

“Through fortnightly enrichment sessions where external speakers enlightened us to the UCAS application process, university and apprenticeship options and range of career sectors, I have had my eyes opened to the many routes I could follow after sixth form. I want to work as a Financial Adviser in the future after completing a degree apprenticeship in Financial Services. I would recommend Claremont Sixth Form because of the high-quality teachers who go above and beyond to ensure we reach our potential.”


Year 12

Studying: Biology, Chemistry and Maths

Former Oliver Goldsmith Primary School pupil

“The freedom and independence that we are offered here at Claremont Sixth Form have helped prepare me for university life by allowing me the time to participate in co-curricular activities and get ready for exams like the UCAT and BMAT. I am currently enjoying peer mentoring; it is a humbling experience to be a role model to someone and to be there for them when they need it most. I would recommend the sixth form because the small class sizes mean teachers can provide a more personalised approach, ensuring you are both challenged and supported in and outside of lessons. I aspire to study Medicine at either Imperial College London or the University of Cambridge.”


Year 12

Studying: Biology, Chemistry and Maths

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“Taking part in the school’s peer mentoring programme, helping out younger students, has not only helped me gain leadership skills but has solidified my dream of specialising in paediatrics after studying Medicine at Imperial College London. Other ways Claremont Sixth Form is preparing me for the future are the endless work experience and outreach opportunities on offer as well as the co-curricular programme.

The highlight of my whole school experience has been taking part in the annual school production every year since Year 7. It is such a special moment going on stage with friends and peers after hours spent in rehearsals, making so many unforgettable memories.

I would also recommend Claremont Sixth Form because the teachers are incredibly supportive and give up their own personal time to help students with topics they don’t understand or to write references. I don’t think I could had had this experience if I had gone to another school.”


Year 12

Studying: Biology, Chemistry and Maths

Former Wessex Gardens Primary School pupil

“My experiences at Claremont High School Academy and Sixth Form have brought me one step closer to achieving my aspirations and realising my dreams of studying Medicine at a Russell Group University such as UCL. I have been offered the chance to participate in a range of experiences which help boost my UCAS and CV when applying to universities, apprenticeships or careers. One highlight was taking part in the SCAMP research programme at Imperial College London. This really helped build my research and evaluation skills as well as strengthening my team working abilities.

The personalised attention you receive at Claremont Sixth Form, as a result of the small class sizes, is incredibly valuable and helps extend and strengthen our learning. Our teachers are passionate about their subject which they then pass on to us; and they are extremely dedicated to ensuring we secure the best grades possible.”


Year 13

Studying: History, Psychology and Sociology

Former Preston Manor Lower School pupil

“My educational experience has inspired me to pursue a career in the education sector either within the government or as a teacher. The opportunities available to us at Claremont High School and Sixth Form are vast, allowing us to grow personally and academically both within the classroom and out. I have enjoyed trips within the UK, such as to Parliament, as well as abroad to Poland as part of the Auschwitz Project. I have also been given a taste of university life through taster days and now cannot wait to attend myself to study Politics and Sociology.”


Year 13

Studying: Economics, History, Maths and Further Maths

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“I would highly recommend Claremont Sixth Form as I have truly enjoyed my time here and believe that I have been pushed to my potential. Claremont also offers a range of opportunities which cater to a wide variety of interests, making our sixth form the perfect choice for all students.

The opportunities that were presented to me have allowed me to develop my skills and prepare me for my future. As Head Student, I have built my confidence and oratory skills when speaking to large audiences; I have enjoyed participating in annual UKMT Maths challenges and Hans Woyda Maths competitions which have allowed me to lead a team and focus on developing subject specific skills; and attending talks run by both the History Department, on gender equality, and the Economics Department, on finance and investment, have increased my awareness on a variety of topical issues.

Both the learning environment and the Claremont atmosphere have allowed me to achieve my academic goals, and I now hope to attend university to study Economics before pursuing a career in finance.”


Year 13

Studying: Physics, Psychology and History

Former Glebe Primary School pupil

“The high level of independence and freedom we receive coupled with access to high quality teachers has made my experience at Claremont Sixth Form a great one. I have been able to achieve beyond what I thought possible. I hope to secure a place at university to study Psychology before joining the Royal Air Force to work in civil aviation.

Our teachers believe in us and genuinely want us to get the results that we deserve and can be proud of, but they also make sure we have fun along the way. Each lesson is unique and encourages participation, challenge and debate. Outside of our lessons, we are offered guidance with the university application process and future life through enrichment sessions. For example, I have attended a Careers Fair, visited Brunel University and participated in a workshop run by Dyson, offering an insight into the workings of electronics as well as possible career opportunities.”


Year 13

Studying: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics

Former Kingsbury Green Primary School pupil

“At Claremont Sixth Form you are never alone, in what could be an overwhelming 2-year period of your life. The teachers play such a big role in ensuring students’ wellbeing is strong and healthy whilst pushing us to be successful academically. We are given greater independence whilst still providing plenty of support which acted as a perfect transition between GCSE and A Level study whilst preparing me for life at university. I hope to read either Chemical Engineering or Pharmacy.

The careers programme is exceptional here. Careers advisors opened my eyes to the various pathways available to me and enrichment sessions offered trips to UCAS fairs and universities such as The University of Oxford as well as talks from former students and businesses. It certainly helped make my final decision much easier.”


Year 13

Studying: Biology, History and Economics

Former Oliver Goldsmith Primary School pupil

“I would recommend Claremont Sixth Form because of its impressive academic record which is partially attributed to the interpersonal relationships students build with subject teachers. The support provided, academic or otherwise, is also exceptional and ensures students enjoy their time here. The help I received on my personal statement and UCAS application was second to none. From one-to-one careers advice and guidance to enrichment sessions after school, I feel I am in a strong position to succeed beyond sixth form. I plan to attend either Bath, Birmingham or Loughborough university to complete a degree in Sports Science.

The highlight of my time at Claremont Sixth Form was when I captained the football team in Year 12 to winning the Brent Cup. The sporting opportunities provided by Claremont are excellent, as are the opportunities to get involved in school productions and performances or participate in various clubs and societies or mentor younger students. I truly believe there is something for everyone here.”


Year 13

Studying: History, English literature and Biology

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“As a keen historian I have thoroughly enjoyed studying this fascinating subject in greater depth at A Level, and where better to do it?! The support and opportunities the History Department have provided me here at Claremont Sixth Form have been outstanding, ranging from filming with BBC Bitesize to being recommended some of the most insightful books and from taking part in the Letters For Auschwitz Project to writing an academic essay for a University of Cambridge competition. So much so I plan to continue studying History at both undergraduate and graduate degree level before pursuing a history-based career.

Outside of my studies, I thoroughly enjoyed researching and writing my Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This was an excellent experience which gave me an insight into university life and developed key skills in essay writing and public speaking.”


Year 13

Studying: Physics, Mathematics and Economics

Former Kenmore Park Junior School pupil

“I have been at Claremont since Year 7 and truly believe that the school and sixth form have taken me far and prepared me well for when I leave and venture into the adult world. I aspire to run my own business one day and have been offered guidance to the various pathways I could take to achieve this. I hope to secure a Degree Apprenticeship with one of London’s most reputable Investment/Consultancy Firms. However, I have kept my options open by also applying to university, I would love to be able to attend Warwick Business School to study Economics. Following my education, I will work in the dynamic environment of Investment Banking to develop a strong awareness of how real-time financial markets operate whilst expanding my skills and expertise so that I can one day achieve my dream of running my own business.”


Year 13

Studying: BTEC Business and IT

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“I would recommend Claremont Sixth Form for several reasons. Firstly, the teachers are incredibly supportive and are always willing to take the time to help students who may need extra assistance during their studies. Whether it be through one-on-one tutoring sessions or additional class time, the teachers here are dedicated to ensuring that every student has the support they need to succeed academically. Additionally, Claremont Sixth Form offers a diverse range of programmes and extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests and develop their skills in a variety of areas. Overall, Claremont Sixth Form is an excellent choice for students who are looking for a supportive and engaging academic environment that fosters growth and development.

I have been exposed to big organisations such as British Airways and Morgan Stanley through the careers programme and enrichment sessions. This has inspired me to apply for an apprenticeship in Business and Finance.”


Year 13

Studying: Maths, History and Economics

Former Mount Stewart Junior School pupil

“Having spent the last 6 years at Claremont, I was incredibly proud to be elected as Head Student. It is privilege to be able to give back to my school community and inspire younger peers that they can do anything they want to if they put their mind to it.

The step up from GCSEs to A Levels was initially daunting and challenging however, the support given by members of staff, as well as the infrastructure in place, made the transition smooth and seamless. I am now thriving and looking forward to entering the corporate world after my studies. I hope to secure an apprenticeship at either KPMG or Grant Thornton despite receiving offers from Kings College London and UCL! This decision wasn’t easy, but Claremont Sixth Form was there to support me every step of the way. Completing an apprenticeship at one of the ‘Big 4’ made the most sense given I aim to enter the accounting and finance sector in the future.

As part of the Aspire Programme I have been presented with incredible opportunities such as visiting the University of Oxford to shadow undergraduates for the day. I was also able to attend an informative and inspirational talk by the founders of Mantra Capital, a successful company which was set up by Nimesh Sanghrajka, a former Claremont student!”