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Claremont High School Academy

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium 2023-2024

In April 2011 the Government introduced the Pupil Premium, funding which is additional to main school funding. The purpose of the Pupil Premium is that it is deployed by schools to narrow the attainment gap between pupils from low income families and their peers by ensuring that this funding reaches the pupils who need it most. Schools have the freedom to spend this funding as they see fit based upon their knowledge of pupil needs.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium allocated to schools is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

Source: DFE Website

Proposed use of Pupil Premium 2021- 2022

 A recent review of Pupil Premium funding allocation was carried out in November 2022:

Pupil Premium Strategy and Spending Report


In 2023/2024 Claremont High School Academy is projecting to receive funding for students who are entitled to the Pupil Premium, with the additional Recovery Premium Allocation totalling a projected funding amount of £261,338, which has been allocated to support, challenge and ensure that this cohort of students are reaching their full potential.

Following a period of school closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we recognize that it will be even more important over the next few years to make sure the funding is used effectively to support our disadvantaged pupils in making progress and ensuring their mental health needs are met.

For the current academic year Claremont High School Academy has made a long term commitment to our most vulnerable group of students by developing the learning opportunities for our students. Funding allows the current curriculum to be generously staffed to allow for smaller groups of students to make sustained and rapid progress.

Some of the activities currently taking place during the current academic year include:

  • Future Frontiers Programme
  • One-to-one support meetings between all DA pupils and PPMs
  • A fully comprehensive programme of extra-curricular activities 
  • Assigned DA mentor
  • Appointed an additional counsellor to support growing mental health needs
  • Study Clubs and homework clubs year 7 to 11, including breakfast study sessions for year 11
  • Tailored Career Support through our Work Experience Partners
  • Saturday tuition sessions in English and Maths 
  • Academic Support Programme for year 11 DA pupils 
  • Targeted Intervention using data analysis
  • OLEVI mentoring programme to train outstanding staff mentors
  • National Tutoring Programme
  • Subsidised trips, including residential trips and DofE
  • Subsidised music lessons
  • Easter Revision classes – Year 11
  • Provision of laptops and devices where necessary
  • Focus on raising aspirations, including through trips to Universities
  • Teaching and Learning Leads to support staff in developing quality teaching and learning in the classroom. 

The impact of this funding is demonstrated by our inclusive ethos as a school, including being accredited as a Centre of Excellence through the Inclusions Quality Mark. Our DA pupils achieved close to or above national averages in most headline measures, although our in-school gap for the 2023 GCSE results is something we will be striving to narrow this year. 

The analysis of GCSE data shows that we continue to be aspirational for our Pupil Premium students, ensuring that they are able to achieve and make progress alongside all other pupils.

Pupil Premium Policy