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Claremont High School Academy

Literacy at Claremont High School Academy

Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.

Emilie Buchwald

Reading is the most important activity your child can do in order to make progress in all subjects.  Attitudes to reading are developed and learnt from parents.  Then, as we get older, this love of reading should continue to be supported and encouraged both at home and school. 

In order to continue to promote the love of reading for pleasure we have suggested some books across each of our subjects to promote reading more widely.  These 'Reading Canons' have been divided into Year groups and we would ask that your child tries to complete at least 5 books a year from these canons.  Please do click on the relevant Year group below to access the suggested titles from our teachers/subject areas:



At Claremont High School we offer a wide range of bespoke interventions as well as whole school strategies to support readers at all levels.  This includes ensuring all teachers have a responsibility for literacy and why as a school we use a school-wide agreed literacy code outlined below:

Literacy Marking Code 

  The following codes are to be used when marking pupils' work to improve pupils’ literacy:

Sp Spelling mistake. 

P Punctuation 

G Grammatical mistake 

V Vocabulary – use a different word 

? Meaning is unclear 

// New paragraph 

What do we do to promote reading at Claremont High School?

  • All pupils sit a reading test and those pupils with lower reading ages identified on our central data platform for teachers to be aware of
  • Reading Log books for Years 7-8 and pupils complete a reading homework a week.
  • Paired reading with especially trained older pupils who work with identified pupils to encourage reading aloud; fluency and inference.
  • Every English lessons in years 7-9 begins with a novel to capture the enjoyment of reading for the year and promote its importance.
  • Compulsory reading book for all children as part of their school equipment: letter about this can be seen here: Letter
  • Lexonik Leap is delivered by trained teachers to identified pupils on a weekly basis to develop their phonics and fluency.
  • Lexonik Advanced is delivered by trained teachers to identified pupils to developed fluency and speed of de-coding therefore developing capacity for inference.
  • Small group reading has been developed for identified pupils each week with a trained staff member.
  • Tutorial times dedicated to reading each week.
  • Book Day full of author visits/workshops around reading and featuring Bake a Book!
  • Reading newsletter published regularly
  • Carnegie Book Club 
  • Published book list of recommended reads through this link: http://www.teenreads.com/reviews 

 Literacy within form times

Within form time once a week pupils also engage in silent reading

Pupils are supported with their literacy through one to one support and communication with teachers