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Claremont High School Academy

Library Resources Centre  

The Library and Resources Centre is a vibrant and attractively furnished space situated on the ground floor of the Library Building.

Our missions are to provide resources for students and to support the teaching and learning of the curriculum and to encourage continuous independent reading.


Please do click on the links below to see the reading canons suggested by each subject across the school sorted by Year groups:

We believe creating a positive and enthusiastic reading environment will transform their reading experience into becoming enjoyable and instil beneficial reading habits for the future. It is used both individually and in classes and is managed by staff who are available throughout the day to help.

All students are welcome to borrow any book that is available from our wide and diverse selection. In addition, by visiting the library website, you can also see our wonderful range of resources including academic textbooks, quick reads, and new arrivals.

Click on the link below to browse:


*All students should follow the instructions of the library staff. We are on hand each day to support and guide you in choosing books and how to use the excellent resources available. Most of the items are loaned to students who are expected to look after them. Payment is expected for any lost or damaged items.


Ms. L. Cameron -School Librarian

Normal Hours

Mondays and Fridays - 8.00am – 4.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays – 8.00am – 4.00pm
The library closes earlier on end of term days.


24 computers all with internet connections and printing facilities, in addition there is seating for 50 pupils. Over 25,000 print books and magazines providing quality information in any format that works best for the needs of varied abilities.


We strongly believe in encouraging reading not only as a subject but for enjoyment. There is a varied fiction area, covering everything from the classics to up-to-date bestsellers, even a Boys reading corner, for all abilities. Events such as author visits, book clubs, quiz competitions and other related events are also held to promote reading ethics.

'10 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day'

Click on link below:


Book Buzz

Claremont is involved in the Book Buzz scheme which gives each pupil in Year 7 a free fiction book from a choice of 11 titles. The school pays for this as it regards literacy to be an essential life skill that should be nurtured. The pupils choose their books at the beginning of the term and the books arrive and are given out at the end of the term.

E-Resource Platform


The school subscribes to E-Platform, which holds a wide variety of e-books, audio books, fiction, and non-fiction, to cover all year groups.

You can browse, read the brief blurb and if you decide you want it, just click on ‘BORROW.’ Loans are for 14 days and will automatically be returned on the system , but if you finish before that time just click on the RETURN button so someone else can borrow it. Any concerns or queries please let us know and enjoy!


http://theday.co.uk –The Day Newspaper – current affairs for schools


Goodreads - www.goodreads.com

Bookseller - The Bookseller - Home





