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Claremont High School Academy

Introductions, Overview and Plans

Last updated 7th October 2024


Welcome to the Claremont High School Careers Year Plan. Our vision is ensure pupils, their parents and carers, are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and the world of work. Our aims are that 1) all students, parents, carers, have access to careers information, advice and guidance 2) all students are accessing and engaged in a meaningful and developmental Careers Education curriculum programme, 3) all students’ transition to a variety of positive destinations.

Provider Access Legislation

Provider Access Legislation specifies that schools must provide encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students in the following phases:

  • The first ‘key phase’ of Year 8 or 9
  • The second ‘key phase’ of Year 10 or 11
  • The third ‘key phase’ of Year 12 or 13

Any provider wishing to access or provide IAG to our students as part of our careers programme will be supported by our teaching staff throughout their visit and never left unattended. We will make available appropriate resources to support provider presentations, which will be discussed and agreed in advance to ensure material meets our quality assurances and security measures.

Providers can contact the school to arrange access at the following email addresses:




The school is proud of its collaboration with ‘Pathway Events’, with who we organise an annual careers fir and other opportunities for large groups of students to encounter employers, universities and other providers.       


 The Baker Clause

Introduced in 2018, the Baker Clause was authored by the former education secretary, Lord Kenneth Baker. The guidance stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers to access every student in years 8-13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them.

 Updated in July 2021, the government’s Statutory guidance for schools and guidance for further education colleges and sixth form colleges sets out the following, ‘Schools and colleges have a responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need.’

Claremont High School encourages access for providers to every student  to discuss both academic and non-academic routes that are available to them as part of a holistic careers programme enabling all our students to make an informed choice about their post 16 provision. This is also measured regularly against the careers standards of the Gatsby benchmarks using a Compass Assessment framework and evaluation with students, teachers and SLT as part of a progressive careers programme.

Claremont High School seeks to build relationships with 6th form schools, colleges, apprenticeship providers, universities and employers as we plan our careers programme and project week activities throughout the school year to ensure all our students have access to the most current and up to date careers information at key transition points and that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students to offer information on vocational, technical and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways.


Claremont High School subscribes to the ‘Unifrog’ online careers platform All staff, students and parents are given an account. Students in years 7 and 9 have a Unifrog lesson with use of computers once per year to explore age-related careers topics with a trained careers advisor. We follow the Unifrog Year Plan, and once per half term, all students receive a presentation based on the Unifrog Year Plan topic which is age and stage specific.

Click the link to see what topics each year groups receives.


Reviewing Our Careers Provision

Careers provision is reviewed regularly in the form of the ‘Compass Report’ by the school Careers Lead in conjunction with the ‘Careers and Enterprise’ Company. The date of the next such review will be July 2024.

The Careers Lead and SLT review the plan once per year. The date of the next SLT review will be November 2024 


Careers Year Plan – Year 7


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark










Autumn 1

An exploration and encounter with a wide range of jobs with MyPath (Youtube) "Job of the Week". Over 130 (and counting) mini biographies of jobs presented in an attractive and informative way. Each segment is full of LMI facts about the job role, entry requirements, key skills, salaries.









The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









Unifrog Year Plan: “Who Am I”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1a

During this week every department will choice one career which relates directly to their own subject and present this information to every class. Departments are encouraged to use the Subjects Library and Careers Library on Unifrog as the source for this information and to include information on entry requirements, promotion opportunities, job skills, and salary. Teachers conclude the activity by sending that career profile to every student via the share function on Unifrog.









Year Group take part in the online survey generated by Compass+ to gather information about their understanding of ‘careers’









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability










“Careers in the Future, the Environment and Sustainability” linked to National Green Careers Week in November. This takes the form of a powerpoint presentation delivered by form tutors which highlights how the job market will change in the future and how young people will need to adapt to meet those changes, and how environmental issues will play a strategic part.









Unifrog Year Plan: “Exploring Possibilities – Dream jobs”                                                                                                  Explore the range of possibilities  and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1b

See details above in Autumn 1









Spring 1

“To Know My Strengths and Weaknesses” and “Introduction to the Labour Market”

An more in-depth introduction to Unifrog with an assembly followed up by a tutorial session in a computer room with form tutors. Students to complete:

1) The 'Personality Quiz"

2) The Unifrog Treasure Hunt

This introduction is followed up with a 1-hour lesson on Unifrog exploring the various tools to explore the current labour market









Unifrog Year Plan: “What Is A Career”                                                                                                                                    Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









The Unifrog Careers Year Plan Year 7 Spring 1: “Recording Activities”

Students find out how to identify their activities and record them for future use.









Geography Project: “The Employment profile for my local economy”. This project will involve students surveying friends, family, others to analyse economic activity in local area and discover their own employability skills (LMI)









Spring 2

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2b

See details above in Autumn 1









National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.

+ STEM assembly for KS3 based on Post-14 and Post-16 progression, and future careers









Uniforg Year Plan: “What is an Entrepreneur”                                                                                                                         Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









Summer 1

Careers-related work in PSHE: “Life Skills and Living in the Wider World”. Students participate in a project called Positive Contributions to Society, Charity and Volunteering Work. Students encounter how charities operate, how they are funded, and explore careers within the charity sector









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan : “What is work-life balance”    

Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









Summer 2

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3b

See details above in Autumn 1









“Interaction with employees on the Home Front”                                                                                                                      Series of in-situ talks from operational staff in school to introduce students to the role and job, and working practices  









Career Planning and Future Pathways Part 1 (Part 2 is completed in Year9)

A 1-hour lesson for each tutor group delivered with Prospects Careers Advisor using Unifrog, to enable students to discover personal skills, decision making and career planning. This will include an interactive segment where students can ask questions









Unifrog Year Plan: “Careers and the Future”

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career










Careers Year Plan – Year 8


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

Continuing from Year 7.  An exploration and encounter with a wide range of jobs with MyPath (Youtube) "Job of the Week". Over 80 (and counting) mini biographies of jobs presented in an attractive and informative way. Each segment is pack with LMI fact about the nature of the job role, the value to society, entry requirements, key skills, salaries.









The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1a

During this week every department will choice one career which relates directly to their own subject and present this information to every class. Departments are encouraged to use the Subjects Library and Careers Library on Unifrog as the source for this information and to include information on entry requirements, promotion opportunities, job skills, and salary. Teachers conclude the activity by sending that career profile to every student via the share function on Unifrog.









 Unifrog Year Plan: “What are my Interests?”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers by encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









“Careers in the Future, the Environment and Sustainability” linked to National Green Careers Week in November. This takes the form of a powerpoint presentation delivered by form tutors which highlights how the job market will change in the future and how young people will need to adapt to meet those changes, and how environmental issues will play a strategic part.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Job applications – superhero CV”                                                                                            Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









Spring 1

Using Unifrog to explore the Labour Market. This activity is a 1-hour lesson where students explore possible career paths linked to their competencies, skills and favourites. And identifies both likely and ‘unlikely’ career paths for the student









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









Careers-related work in PSHE: “Life Skills and Living in the Wider World”.  Students participate in a project helping them to make an informed decision about academic progression. This includes focus on academic and career progression in the Arts, to challenge stereotypical thinking towards progression in science or business









Future Pathways: An assembly introducing the mini options and how option choices can influence future careers









Unifrog Year Plan: “Challenges and rewards of work”                                                                                                           Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









Spring 2

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2b

See details above in Autumn 1









National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.

+ STEM assembly for KS3 based on Post-14 and Post-16 progression, and future careers









Unifrog Year Plan: “Creating the life you want – making a vision board”                                                       Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









Summer 1

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “What does success mean to me”                                                                                         Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









Summer 2

Unifrog Year Plan: “Careers and the climate”

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career










Careers Year Plan – Year 9


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









Using the ‘MyPath’ Youtube channel to explore the ‘Why Bother?’ series of clips. Each clip takes an aspect of the English, Maths and Science curriculum and links it to the real world and possible careers, seeking to make the topic relevant.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1a

During this week every department will choice one career which relates directly to their own subject and present this information to every class. Departments are encouraged to use the Subjects Library and Careers Library on Unifrog as the source for this information and to include information on entry requirements, promotion opportunities, job skills,  and salary. Teachers conclude the activity by sending that career profile to every student via the share function on Unifrog.









Unifrog Year Plan: “What are my Skills?”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Year Group take part in the online survey generated by Compass+ to gather information about their understanding of ‘careers’









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









“Careers in the Future, the Environment and Sustainability” linked to National Green Careers Week in November. This takes the form of a powerpoint presentation delivered by form tutors which highlights how the job market will change in the future and how young people will need to adapt to meet those changes, and how environmental issues will play a strategic part.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “What comes after school – the main learning pathways”                                      Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









Spring 1

Future Pathways: An assembly introducing the GCSE options and how option choices can influence future careers









Careers-related work in PSHE: “Life Skills and Living in the Wider World”.  Students participate in a project which builds on the information in Year 8 (Term 2b) on career development, challenging stereotypes and demographics









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Decision making, choosing what to study at KS4”                                                      Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









Spring 2

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) to do a presentation with activities and a Q&A. This contributes to the school meeting the new Provider Access Legislation.

+ STEM assembly for KS3 based on Post-14 and Post-16 progression, and future careers









Unifrog Year Plan: “Taking control of your career journey”                                                                        Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









Summer 1

PROPOSAL for PPM Year 9 will receive a series of part-assemblies flagging up post-16 options

1)      A levels and how they link with higher education

2)      BTEC and T-level general vocational opportunities

3)      Apprenticeship and job-related courses









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Working and earning – managing your money”                                                      Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









Summer 2

Career Planning and Future Pathways Part 1 (Part 1 is for Year 7)

A 1-hour lesson for each tutor group delivered with Prospects Careers Advisor using Unifrog, to enable students to discover personal skills, decision making and career planning. This will include an interactive segment where students can ask questions









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “What is the labour market and why is it importnant

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career










Careers Year Plan – Year 10


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1a

During this week every department will choice one career which relates directly to their own subject and present this information to every class. Departments are encouraged to use the Subjects Library and Careers Library on Unifrog as the source for this information and to include information on entry requirements, promotion opportunities, job skills, and salary. Teachers conclude the activity by sending that career profile to every student via the share function on Unifrog.









Unifrog Year Plan: “Reflecting on my career journey – past, present and future”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Year Group take part in the online survey generated by Compass+ to gather information about their understanding of ‘careers’









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









“Careers in the Future, the Environment and Sustainability” linked to National Green Careers Week in November. This takes the form of a powerpoint presentation delivered by form tutors which highlights how the job market will change in the future and how young people will need to adapt to meet those changes, and how environmental issues will play a strategic part.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1b

See details above in Autumn 1









 Unifrog Year Plan: Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









Spring 1

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Exploring employer profiles”                                                                                    Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









Spring 2

National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Preparing to go on work experience”                                                                        Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









Work Experience in conjunction with WEX Partners. Year 10 are introduced to the process in October with an assembly. Students can find their own placement or opt to receive one from WEX Partners. They receive guidance on how to fill in placement forms, and a further assembly on 'aspirations and expectations'. During the placement, staff make phone calls to the employer to monitor progress. After the placement, a review is carried out with feedback from staff, employer and student. 









Summer 1

‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Wellbeing in the workplace”                                                                                     Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community










Summer 2

The Claremont Careers Fair. This is a large scale and exciting event where many employers, training providers, and further education providers come into school to form an 'exhibition' where there are numerous meaningful interactions with students. Guest speakers from industry provide guidance talks, representatives from Universities give information on the application process, and representatives from the Careers Guidance Service (Prospects) provide information on apprenticeships. The Careers Fair is primarily targeted at Years 10 and 12.









Careers-related work in PSHE: “Life Skills and Living in the Wider World”.  Students participate in an age-related project about academic options and progression: school 6th Form, 6th form College, On-the-Job training, apprenticeships.  They also receive information and guidance on writing a CV, job application process, and maintaining a professional digital presence particularly social media









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “In person, hybrid, remote – what works best”                                                       

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career









“My Progression Plan Survey” This will take the form of a microsoft forms survey to identify intended post-16 pathway, industry interests, and specific job role interests. This survey will help inform the targeting of these students for careers interviews when they progress to year 11 in the following term










Careers Year Plan – Year 11


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









Careers Guidance Interviews with a fully trained independent Careers Guidance Advisor from 'Prospects'. The interview is 1:1 and lasts 50 minutes. A written action plan is given to students and the interaction is recorded on Unifrog









Unifrog Year Plan: “What are my employability skills?”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Future Options Assembly Part 1 to introduce the possibilities of different post-16 options such as A Levels, T-levels, Technical & Vocational Qualifications, Traineeship, Internship, Apprenticeship









 Future Options Assembly Part 2 to introduce students to the search tools on Unifrog to gather information about local Colleges, 6th Form opportunities and apprenticeships.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1a

During this week every department will choice one career which relates directly to their own subject and present this information to every class. Departments are encouraged to use the Subjects Library and Careers Library on Unifrog as the source for this information and to include information on entry requirements, promotion opportunities, job skills, and salary. Teachers conclude the activity by sending that career profile to every student via the share function on Unifrog.









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









‘Spotlight on Jobs’. This project involves students researching a different job each week









Unifrog Year Plan: “Post 16 – choices, choices”                                                                                         Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









Introduction to T-Levels with an Assembly delivered by The Ask Programme. This assembly focusses on post 16 progression in STEM and Finance & Law, Health & Social Care 

This is followed up with bespoke sessions on application writing, interviews skills.









“Careers in the Future, the Environment and Sustainability” linked to National Green Careers Week in November. This takes the form of a powerpoint presentation delivered by form tutors which highlights how the job market will change in the future and how young people will need to adapt to meet those changes, and how environmental issues will play a strategic part.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 1b

See details above in Autumn 1









Post-16 Study:  Series of assemblies starting in November and running through to January, advertising post-16 subjects









Spring 1

‘Job of the Week’: a short series of mini job biographies created by PPM and delivered in tutorial time by form tutors, which identifies a selection of industries and job roles, and presents LMI facts; entry requirements, key skills, value of job in society, salaries etc.









Post-16 Study:  Series of assemblies starting in November and running through to January, advertising post-16 subjects









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2a

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Decision making – choosing your post 16 pathway”                                            Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









Spring 2

National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 2b

See details above in Autumn 1









Unifrog Year Plan: “Researching volunteering and paid work”                                                                 Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









Summer 1

Careers-related work in PSHE: “Life Skills and Living in the Wider World”.  Students participate in a personal finance project









Unifrog Year Plan: “Money talks – apprenticeships versus higher education”                                      Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









‘Careers in the Curriculum Week’ 3a

See details above in Autumn 1









Summer 2

Unifrog Year Plan: “Is AI a threat to our jobs”

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career










Careers Year Plan – Year 12


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









Unifrog Year Plan:” Preparing for personal guidance 1:1”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Year Group take part in the online survey generated by Compass+ to gather information about their understanding of ‘careers’









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









“Careers in Telecoms, Tech and Engineering” event. The event will be delivered at Claremont by the Careers Calendar and is supported by UKTIN which is funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.









Autumn 2

Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









Unifrog Year Plan: “Post 18 – choices choices”                                                                                             Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Spring 1

Unifrog Year Plan: “Setting career goals”                                                                                                   Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Spring 2

London Spring Careers Fair at Tottenham Stadium

Aimed at students in years 13, 12 & 11, this informative event will provide attendees with the opportunity to speak to a multitude of exhibiting universities and apprenticeship providers. These will include; Russell Groupred brick and modern institutions, as well as apprenticeship providers and local colleges. The fair will feature a wide range of vital seminars including: UCAS Personal Statement & Application Advice, Why take an Apprenticeship, Choosing a University Course, Higher and Degree Apprenticeships and Student Finance.









Short 1:1 advice sessions offered to year 12 during the year 10 work experience









Unifrog Year Plan: “How to network and be enterprising”                                                                              Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









The Aspire Group. This is a group of students who aim to submit early entry UCAS applications for Oxbridge or Medicine. The group meets on a regular basis, starting in the Spring Term of Year 12 and continuing through the Autumn term of Year 13. The areas of focus are: researching courses, writing the personal statement, completing the application, the Early Entry Cambridge Teats, and interview skills 









National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Summer 1

Unifrog Year Plan: “Wellbeing: balancing life, learning and work”                                                            Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Summer 2

The Claremont Careers Fair. This is a large scale and exciting event where many employers, training providers, and further education providers come into school to form an 'exhibition' where there are numerous meaningful interactions with students. Guest speakers from industry provide guidance talks, representatives from Universities give information on the application process, and give students proper experience ofrepresentatives from the Careers Guidance Service (Prospects) provide information on apprenticeships. The Careers Fair is primarily targeted at Years 10 and 12.









Unifrog Year Plan: “What makes an employer good to work for”

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.











Careers Year Plan – Year 13


Actions and activities which enable us to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

Link to Gatsby Benchmark









Autumn 1

The Claremont Careers Bulletin, published every Thursday, containing the very latest work experience and labour market information. Circulated to the whole school, this bulletin aims to include information relevant to every age group. It also allows us to keep parents informed of careers-related information and opportunities









Unifrog Year Plan: “Personal branding – your CV and online profile”

Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your strengths









Offer of self-referral for careers interview









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Autumn 2

The Aspire Group. This is a group of students who aim to submit early entry UCAS applications for Oxbridge or Medicine. The group meets on a regular basis, starting in the Spring Term of Year 12 and continuing through the Autumn term of Year 13. The areas of focus are: researching courses, writing the personal statement, completing the application, the Early Entry Cambridge Teats, and interview skills 









Unifrog Year Plan: “The basics of interview: in person and online”                                                        Explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and culture of different workplaces









Linking the curriculum to Careers with encouraging aspirations in Maths, English and Science. This is a powerpoint presentation created by departments and delivered to each tutor group by form tutors, highlighting the value of the curriculum subject, the key skills it helps to develop, and the way it prepares the student for employability









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Spring 1

Unifrog Year Plan: “Confidently managing transitions”                                                                                   Manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Spring 2

Unifrog Year Plan: “Preparing for an employer assessment day”                                                            Create opportunities by being proactive and building positive relationships with others









National Careers Week

+ Curriculum task for each year group to be determined by Departments and using one of the pre-planned Unifrog subject -based lesson/activity

+ One subject-based homework relating to age-group needs. This could involve a short research task using Unifrog

+ Guest Speaker from Industry (an employer) in Assembly arranged by PPM to ensure that all students have at least one encounter with an employer in each academic year.









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.









Summer 1

Unifrog Year Plan: “Being self employed and working freelance”                                                                Balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community









Summer 2

Unifrog Year Plan: “Should all employers adopt a four-day week”                                                              Careers and the Future”

See the big picture by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career









Working with Prospects Careers Advisory Service to identify and follow up on potential NEET students. This continues into the Autumn Term of Year 14, with NEET students being offered places on the Prospect SMART programme.









“Opportunities for 6th Form Pupils” – a powerpoint presentation full of excellent LMIs and work experience opportunities. This magazine will be published once per half term and circulated to all 6th form students and form tutors.