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Claremont High School Academy

history of claremont

1929 Inception of the school with 84 pupils and 3 staff in huts
1930 Official opening as Kenton Council School
1940 The War Years
1945 School becomes a Senior School and is renamed ‘Claremont Avenue Secondary Modern’
1952    Expansion takes place with the addition of a gymnasium, science laboratories, workshops and project rooms
1960 985 pupils now on roll
1965  Introduction of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) exams
1967  Curriculum expands to include the sixth form
1967  School becomes a comprehensive school and is renamed ‘Claremont High School’
1986 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations introduced
1989 First school in Brent to become Grant Maintained
1999 Mr Molloy is appointed as the Headteacher of Claremont
2001 School gains Art College status
2005 Centre of Excellence in Mathematics and Computing
2008 New Sports Hall
2009 Library refurbished and relocated
2010 Completion of our new purpose built canteen - Monty’s and additional classrooms
2010 Claremont is designated as an Outstanding School by Ofsted
2011 New Reception
2012 Claremont gains Academy Status and is renamed ‘Claremont High School Academy’
2012 The Sports Hall and the Science//Technology block renamed after former Deputy  Headteacher, Clive Ridgeon and Headteacher, Lindsay MacDonald.
2014 Completion of the new two-storey state of the art building encompassing a brand new    school hall, lecture theatre and six new classrooms
2014 Claremont receives it's second Outstanding designation by Ofsted.  A coveted          designation which reaffirms Claremont's position as a lead school on both a local and      national scale. Claremont becomes the first secondary school in the London Borough of  Brent to receive two consecutive Outstanding inspections in all categories.
2017 Nicki Hyde-Boughey becomes Head of School at Claremont and Terry Molloy becomes    Executive Head
2017 Claremont establishes CMAT (Chrysalis Multi Academy Trust) and Sudbury Primary School becomes the first school to join our Trust.
2017 Claremont completes school gates for the car parking and a new roof for Monty’s 2.
2018 Mr F T Molloy retires from his post of Executive Head Teacher of CMAT
2018 Nicki Hyde-Boughey becomes Head Teacher of Claremont High School
2018 Beth Ragheb becomes Executive Head Teacher of CMAT
2019 Nicki Hyde-Boughey is appointed Executive Head Teacher of CMAT
2021 Second astroturf built, with two all-weather sports pitches and cricket practice nets
2023 Completion of new 6th form facilities including a mezzanine study area, cafe and a brand new fitness suite.