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Claremont High School Academy


Head of Department: Mr A Lipman

Drama supports pupils in their development of academic, social and personal skills which underpin their school education and further progression. It enables them to explore their own cultural values and those of others, past and present.

Claremont’s Drama department aims to provide lessons and creative opportunities that enthuse, engage and challenge all students. The Drama department offers a variety of opportunities for students to collaboratively and develop their confidence, leadership and team work both within and out of the curriculum lessons.

We were the proud recipients of the Outstanding Drama Department award at the Music and Drama Education Awards 2022.

Curriculum intent

Through their studies, students will explore a range of performance styles and genres using a variety of stimuli. Students will work in mixed groups in all lessons and when working towards assessments. They will develop and build the key skills which are necessary to progress through the three key stages.  Students will be encouraged to become increasingly more creative in the work they make and perform, taking greater ownership and becoming successful independent learners, critical thinkers and theatre makers.

Studies in this subject area are not only about developing performance skills. They also develop important and transferable life skills that all students will need in their futures - whatever area of study or work they choose to pursue. In particular:

Communication, Confidence, Creativity, Empathy, Evaluation, Analysis, Leadership, Groupwork, Reflect, Respect and Time Management.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Year 7 Drama (Once a week)

Scheme of Learning


Matilda (Introduction to Drama)

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a scripted extract from Matilda.


Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a re-telling of the story.

Theatre around the world

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama.

Commedia dell’arte

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a piece performed in Commedia style.

Devising Drama

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama.

Year 8 

Year 8 Drama (Once a week)

Scheme of Learning


Styles of Drama 

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama.

Physical Theatre

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama.

Refugee Boy by Lemn Sissay

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of scripted extract from Refugee Boy.

Devising Drama

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a theatrical re-telling of the play.

Year 9

Year 9 Drama (Once a week)

Scheme of Learning


Understanding Drama   

Students explore the elements of theatrical productions including key roles, responsibilities and how to pitch an idea using public speaking skills. 

Verbatim Drama

Students explore the theatrical style of Verbatim using real words and interviews to create scripted text and performance. 

Blood Brothers 

Students explore the play text Blood Brothers by Willy Russell. Students take part in practical workshop lessons exploring the themes, story and characters of the play. 

Devising Drama

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance and evaluation of a devised piece of drama to a live audience.



Key Stage 4

Year 10

Year 10 GCSE Drama  (AQA)

Scheme of Learning


Component 1 (Understanding Drama) 40%


Students are assessed for their knowledge and understanding of the set text, through practical exploration. 


Students are assessed for their knowledge and understanding of how drama is used to create meaning, through written responses to the GCSE examination questions.


Component 3 Mock (Text in practice) 20%

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance of one extract from a scripted text to a live audience. 

Component 2 (Devising Drama) 40%

Students are assessed for their contribution and performance of a devised piece of drama to a live audience.


Students are assessed for their devising log, which reflects their devising process.

Year 11

Year 11 GCSE Drama  (AQA)

Scheme of Learning


Component 1 (Understanding Drama) 40%


Students are assessed for their knowledge and understanding of the set text, through practical exploration. 


Students are assessed for their knowledge and understanding of how drama is used to create meaning, through written responses to the GCSE examination questions.


Students are assessed for their knowledge and understanding of a live production seen, through written response to the GCSE examination question.


Component 3  (Text in practice) 20%

Students are assessed for their contribution, performance of one extract from a scripted text to a live audience and external examiner.

Key Stage 5

Please click on the links below to access information regarding the Programmes of Study for Key Stage 5:

Key Stage 5 (A Level)

We study the AQA A Level Drama and Theatre syllabus. Please see link below: 

AQA A Level Drama webpage


The Drama Department delivers diverse and rich Co-Curricular opportunities across all key stages throughout the academic year. Many students from across the school take part and enjoy these activities, expanding their skills, passion and enthusiasm for the arts.

The department delivers weekly Performing Arts and Dance clubs as well as calendared events across the academic year. These include:

  • Plays in 7 Days competition
  • Annual School Production
  • Rush – Annual Dance Showcase
  • Lower School Production
  • Workshops with external professionals
  • West end Theatre trips

Previous school productions include:  Aladdin, The Addams Family, Matilda, Grease, Mary Poppins Jr, singing in the rain Jr, Arabian Nights, Hairspray Jr, We Will Rock You, The Wiz, Joseph and more…


Next Steps

Students learn to collaborate with others, think analytically and evaluate effectively. They gain the confidence to pursue their own ideas, reflect and refine their efforts. Whatever the future holds, students who study Drama emerge with a toolkit of transferable skills, applicable both in further studies and in the workplace. Higher education and workplaces look favourably on the creative subjects and the skills and attributes that can be gained from them.

Career Pilot