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Claremont High School Academy

Diversity Board and Equalities

Our Diversity Board was formed in 2020 as a response to two main factors:

  • Updated guidance around Equalities, protected characteristics and the responsibilities of organisations.
  • Our whole school target of working towards becoming an Anti-Racist School.


Since 2020 the board has grown in its scope and focuses on working towards equalities and inclusions in relation to all of the protected characteristics.

At the start of each academic year, we identify priorities and set an action plan for the year ahead. The staff board aims to meet at least 4 times per year. Our Chair of Governors, Executive Headteacher, and Deputy Head in charge of Inclusions all sit on the board alongside staff from different areas of the school, including teaching and non-teaching.

In addition to our staff board, we have also had a student and a parent board, depending on the specific focus and priorities set out at the start of the academic year. 

As a school we are delighted to have recently been accredited with Flagship status through the Inclusions Quality Mark, after having held the Centre of Excellence status for three years. Our work on Diversity and Equalities has always been part of the ongoing assessment for the IQM.


Recent Staff Training

Equalities Training November 2023

Equalities Training January 2024