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Claremont High School Academy


Exceptional careers advice and tailored support is available to every student here at Claremont.

We want to get them interested in and excited about the opportunities that await them after their 7-year journey with us. We aim to raise their aspirations and ensure they have the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to thrive in their future careers, serve others and make positive contributions to society. 

From Year 7 to Year 13, students have access to age-appropriate careers advice and information through our careers programme; and are well supported at key transition points, including GCSE options, A Level choices and post 18 pathways.

The careers programme is delivered in a number of different ways including the curriculum, PSHE lessons, assemblies, the Claremont Careers Bulletin, events, workshops, guest speakers and external visits. The aim is to expose students to the range of higher education, apprenticeship and career opportunities whilst supporting them to move onto the pathway that best suits their skills, interests, personality and values. 


Find out more through our Careers Action Plan:

Careers Action Plan 2024-2025


Our Careers leader is Mr David Rudd who can be contacted via email on david.rudd@claremont-high.org.uk  or david.rudd1@claremont-high.org.uk.  Please telephone the school on 0208 204 4276 to arrange a time to speak with him. 

If you are a Further Education College, Training Provider, Apprenticeship Provider or University who would like to discuss non-academic routes available to students, please read our Provider Access Policy

Provider Access Legislation 

Provider Access Legislation specifies that schools must provide encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students in the following phases: 

  • The first ‘key phase’ of Year 8 or 9 
  • The second ‘key phase’ of Year 10 or 11 
  • The third ‘key phase’ of Year 12 or 13  

Any provider wishing to access or provide IAG to our students as part of our careers programme will be supported by our teaching staff throughout their visit and never left unattended. We will make available appropriate resources to support provider presentations, which will be discussed and agreed in advance to ensure material meets our quality assurances and security measures. 

Providers can contact the school to arrange access at the following email addresses: 



 The school is proud of its collaboration with ‘Pathway Events’, with who we organise an annual careers fair and other opportunities for large groups of students to encounter employers, universities and other providers.        


 The Baker Clause 

Introduced in 2018, the Baker Clause was authored by the former education secretary, Lord Kenneth Baker. The guidance stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers to access every student in years 8-13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them. 


Updated in July 2021, the government’s Statutory guidance for schools and guidance for further education colleges and sixth form colleges sets out the following, ‘Schools and colleges have a responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need.’ 

Claremont High School encourages access for providers to every student  to discuss both academic and non-academic routes that are available to them as part of a holistic careers programme enabling all our students to make an informed choice about their post 16 provision. This is also measured regularly against the careers standards of the Gatsby benchmarks using a Compass Assessment framework and evaluation with students, teachers and SLT as part of a progressive careers programme. 

Claremont High School seeks to build relationships with 6th form schools, colleges, apprenticeship providers, universities and employers as we plan our careers programme and project week activities throughout the school year to ensure all our students have access to the most current and up to date careers information at key transition points and that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students to offer information on vocational, technical and apprenticeship qualifications and pathways.