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Claremont High School Academy

BTEC Business

Head of Department

Mr Michaelides



Exam Board

Pearsons BTEC Level 3

Entry Requirements

6 in Maths and English

Why study this course

This course will enhance your practical skills to be able to work in industry.  It allows you to gain a broad understanding of business and be able to study selected areas in more depth. It promoted the development of skills, knowledge and understanding in business. It is equivalent to an A Level and provides progression opportunities into higher education to do a degree.

Course Overview

Students will be completing four Units within the course of two years.

Unit 1- Exploring a Business

In this introductory unit, learners study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive.

Learning aims in this unit you will:

  • Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them successful
  • Investigate how businesses are organised
  • Examine the environment in which businesses operate
  • Examine business markets
  • Investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business success

Unit 2- Developing a Marketing campaign

Learners will gain skills relating to, and an understanding of, how a marketing campaign is developed.

Assessment outcomes

AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of marketing principles, concepts, processes, key terms, data sources and definitions

AO2 Analyse marketing information and data, demonstrating the ability to interpret the potential impact and influence on marketing campaigns

AO3 Evaluate evidence to make informed judgements about how a marketing campaign should be planned, developed and adapted in light of changing circumstances

AO4 Be able to develop a marketing campaign with appropriate justification, synthesising ideas and evidence from several sources to support arguments

Unit 3- Personal and Business Finance

Learners study the purpose and importance of personal and business finance. They will develop the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information.

Summary of assessment

This unit is assessed by a written examination set by Pearson. The examination will be two hours in length. The number of marks for the examination is 100. (Section A contains questions on the personal finance unit content and approximately one-third of the marks, and Section B contains questions on the business finance unit content and approximately two-thirds of the marks). The assessment availability is twice a year in January and May/June. The first assessment is available in June 2017. Sample assessment materials will be available to help centres prepare learners for assessment.

Unit 8- Recruitment and selection process

Learners explore how the recruitment process is carried out in a business. The unit gives learners the opportunity to participate in selection interviews and review their performance.

Learning aims in this unit you will:

  • Examine how effective recruitment and selection contribute to business success
  • Undertake a recruitment activity to demonstrate the processes leading to a successful job offer
  • Reflect on the recruitment and selection process and your individual performance.

Exam Specification

BTEC Extended Certificate Specification


  • Student Investor Competition
  • Attending local and national conferences
  • Tutor2u Revision Conferences
  • Educational trips
  • Work experience
  • Access to The Business Review subscriptions
  • Visit to the Bank of England
  • London Business School Competition

Future Pathways

University: Universities offer a large choice of Business and Economics related degrees.  It also can lead to Business Management, Marketing, HR, Accountancy and Finance.


Careers: Accountancy, finance, management, investment banking, marketing director, and management consultancy - amongst many others.