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Claremont High School Academy

Absence Reporting

a parent/carer should report a student absence by 8am

EACH AND everyday

that the child is not in school.


To report pupil absence via telephone, please ring the school on 020 8204 4442, choose option 1 and leave a message. Please include child’s name, form group, reason for absence, relationship to child and a contact phone number.


To report pupil absences via email please email absence@claremont-high.org.uk. Please include full name of child, form group, reason for absence and the relationship you have to the child in the email. Emails will only be accepted from the named contact on the school database. 

Emailing in to report an absence can be as simple as copying, completing and sending in the grid below: 

First name
Last name
Form group
Date of absence
Reason for absence
Your relationship to child

Student leave of absence

Parents/Carers are strongly discouraged from taking their children out of school for long periods of time. Family holidays or trips abroad must be taken in the school holidays. The Headteacher can only authorise absence, in exceptional circumstances. In such cases, parents should submit a 'Student Leave Request Form' in advance and only make bookings if leave is granted. Whether to grant leave is at the discretion of the Headteacher. There is no right for a parent to appeal a decision. 

Further information can be found on the 'Student Leave Request Form', linked below:

Completed forms should be submitted to the student's Head of Year.

Student Leave Request Form